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5. Launching CROME, client startup | ![]() |
Starting in Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP | Top |
Upon installation, CROME is fully integrated into your work environment. For example, a standard startup icon is added to your “Programs” menu on a Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP platform. This means you can start mining data to your specifications and seamlessly transfer the results into office productivity tools such as Microsoft Excel or PowerPoint. Once installed, bringing up the CROME application is as simple as launching any other program. For Windows, simply launch the CROME application from your Start menu. 1. Select the “Start” icon (left mouse click US locale) 2. Select: “Programs” (drag right, US locale) 3. Select: “CROME” (release) Starting In Unix: Once installed, the CROME application under Unix can be started at the user command line: % cd <dir> where <dir> is the directory you installed Crome (e.g., /home/fred/WebApps/Crome) % ./Crome Alternatively you can add the string "/home/fred/WebApps/Crome" to your default path as follows and simply type the command "Crome" from any directory. For /bin/csh users, place at bottom of .cshrc or .login as appropriate: set path = ( $path /home/fred/WebApps/Crome ) For /sbin/sh users, place at bottom of .profile or .login as appropriate: PATH=${PATH}:/home/fred/WebApps/Crome Note if either of
the above path modifications are performed, you must log completely out and log
in a new session to ensure the new configuration takes effect. The CROME application can also be configured to launch from an X session such as Openwindows, Motif, Gnome, or other alternate Window manager desktop via a drop down menu - consult your system administrator to set up such a convenience menus. |
Configuration | Top |
When you first launch the CROME application, it doesn’t yet know which web server to talk to for its CROME data. (Note that if you run CROME as an applet from a web page, it will already know its web server because it is already configured on that server’s page. This document is for running CROME as an application). So, you will need to supply an initial "Crome Web server URL" to connect to your CROME Web Server. Once this step is complete and the new configuration is saved it will be stored locally on your desktop computer. An un-configured client will have an initial start-up screen as shown below: The first step is to acknowledge that you have an unconfigured system and select the "Ok" button. The next step is to provide a URL either in the form of (like most web browsers, the “http://” is not necessary). We’re using in the examples below, but the name of your webserver is most likely the same URL where you downloaded the crome application to begin with. Once entered (in the top “white” text entry field) hit the button "Update from URL", This will fill in all the other fields (that are “grayed”) from the CROME Web Server URL you specified. A typical installation of eight Nortel MSCs is shown in the above picture. At this point simply hit the "Save & Quit" button to both complete and permanently save your configuration. Upon installation Quantum Systems Integrators' exclusive NetworkUpdate Technology assures that your application is always up to date by checking to see if your CROME client software needs to be updated. Once configured the client will always attempt an initial NetworkUpdate. |
NetworkUpdate | Top |
CROME contains an extremely useful feature for maintaining the latest version of your software: it automatically updates itself over the network whenever it is out of date! During the initialization phase, CROME will compare the version of CROME on your local machine with the version kept on the company’s CROME Server. The informational text "Performing NetworkUpdate™ check" lets you know that an update check is being performed. Note, a network update will always occur on a first time installation to ensure your software is completely current and also to familiarize you with the feature. Additionally, updates can and will occasionally occur every time new software is installed on your CROME server due to a maintenance or new feature release. If CROME determines that the software you are running (i.e. CROME itself or any related support file) is out of date, your CROME client will notify the user with the following pop-up screen. At this time you will have the option to “Update Now” or “Skip Update”. If you choose to skip the update at this time the main screen will appear and you can continue on with your work. The next time you bring up the CROME client you will be prompted with the same message window, until you “update” to the latest release. You might wish to skip an update if you are accessing CROME across a slow dialup link until such time your laptop is connected directly into your corporate WAN. Upon completion of an update you are notified of the status (success or failure) of the activity and instructed to simply exit the NetworkUpdate utility and restart the application. |
Normal Startup | Top |
After CROME is both configured and initially updated (or subsequently updated) and launched again, you’ll see the following initialization screen This screen will provide feedback on the progress of the CROME client as it loads various configuration data prior to the display of the main GUI screen. This step on a LAN will take about five (5) seconds. If your server is accessed via a slow TCP/IP link i.e. a 9600 baud PPP link (yes, CROME can be run from laptops on airliners) it might take up to three (3) minutes. |
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Copyright © 1997-2005 Quantum Systems Integrators | Last modified: 30 Jun 2005 00:19 Authored by qmanual |