Wireless Infrastructure Management
Quantum Systems Integrators, Inc., aka QuantumSI, was selected by
Nextel Communications Inc. a major US wireless phone provider, to provide its CROME real-time/historic wireless
performance management and fixed network analysis software and hardware to assist Nextel in its preparation and
coverage of the 2002 Olympic Games.
The CROME software suite is a best in its class decision support system that allows both land-line and wireless service providers to quickly analyze capacity, trends and faults for any network. This allows wireless providers to proactively tune, adjust, reassign, or increase capacity to meet exacting quality of service levels at the lowest possible equipment expenditure rate.
Realizing "late in the game" that they [Nextel] had a blind spot in monitoring system performance, Nextel contracted with QuantumSI to provide the required real-time capabilities that Nextel needed to proactively manage, monitor and adjust their wireless operations at the 2002 Winter Olympics. Quantum was able to deploy, utilizing a VPN across the Internet, a complete and fully functional CROME solution in less than four hours using a Sun Enterprise[tm] 280R server and a Sun StorEdge[tm] T3 disk array.
This ultra-fast data mining system easily covered over 2,000 individual sites across several western states. A typical full ad-hoc CROME report, for example one used to analyze and manage the increased customer load for the entire state of Utah, completes in less than one second.
Statistical data flows are captured in real-time from a multitude of network elements and the data is immediately presented to end-users via a 100% pure Java(tm) reporting tool that runs on both standard PCs and Sun Workstations.
The use of integrated GIS features and multidimensional reporting along with built in high Erlang-B and Erlang-C functions proved to be invaluable over the course of the entire Olympics.