QuantumSI's CROME product deployed in less than 48 hours for KT PowerTel for South Korea iDEN operations.
-- Quantum Systems Integrators, Inc., aka QuantumSI, has deployed
a CROME performance management (PM) system covering all of South Korea's iDEN based infrastructure in record time.
This system went from "bare metal" to a fully integrated live production reporting system in less than
two calendar days after contract execution. QuantumSI's customer, KT
PowerTel a subsidiary of KT Corporation, was impressed beyond measure with the system's speed, functionality,
and ease of use, providing one simple unsolicited comment:
QuantumSI, in conjunction with QuantumSI's Korean distributor Mobile-OS,
executed a contract for providing CROME Performance Management (PM) to KT PowerTel on 22.Oct.03. QuantumSI, solely
responsible for the PM deliverable, performed a full installation of the operating system, installed and validated
all required third party products, established required connectivity and implemented all specific configuration
requirements in record time ensuring a problem free and highly successful deployment. The result of QuantumSI's
efforts was that this CROME system went into full live production on 24.Oct.03 in less than two calendar days.
KT PoweTel is now benefiting from the full ad-hoc reporting features that are built into CROME ranging in which
"live reports" allowing highly integrated graphical, spread sheet, and geographic analysis.
The below full ad-hoc live report take less than three seconds to run from half way around the world using CROME's
Java client technology.

Other competing PM vendors typically take several months to a full year to deploy their solutions and produce
production data and reports. Yet these alternative PM offerings only have a fraction of CROME's comprehensive capabilities.
For example any "live report" in CROME can be analyzed via built in GIS capabilities:

The CROME software suite is a best in its class decision support
system that allows both land-line and wireless service providers to quickly analyze capacity, trends and faults
for any network. This allows wireless providers to proactively tune, adjust, reassign, or increase capacity to
meet exacting quality of service levels at the lowest possible equipment expenditure rate.
CROME is a proven solution that has been in operation for over five years in full production settings, ideal
for Network Optimization including: Network performance, Frequency and Capacity planning, Handoff parameter and
System performance analysis, Capacity / Handoff/ Drop / Block performance review (daily, period, or bouncing busy
hour), and Drive Testing on Single Sites, Multi-Site Clusters, Switch Level, and Multi-Switch National Infrastructures.