OSS Wireless Optimization and Infrastructure Management
Quantum Systems Integrators, Inc., aka QuantumSI,
exhibited at CTIA 2003 on March 17-19, 2003 at booth #5375 at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center,
New Orleans, LA.
During the show QuantumSI's staff and chief software architects presented "hands-on" demonstrations
with working data sets to showcase both the speed and versatility of QuantumSI's offerings.
In addition staff provided in depth discussions of our "best in class" wireless software
solutions and also introduced new exciting functionality across all QuantumSI's product lines.
The key products of CROME a performance management suite, CDR a billing collection manager, and MCB a mediation and data distribution system were highlighted at the CTIA 2003 show. In addition previews of QuantumSI's newest offering XFM an enterprise wireless fault management system were given.
Existing customers, and potential customers alike were simply astounded that QuantumSI was able to showcase each product in real-time with working data sets (4+ years) in the QuantumSI booth at the show. Potential customers were able to perform real word "what if" analysis, construct there own reports, and run them in a matter of seconds - across periods ranging from 30 minutes to years and data sets ranging from a single carrier to hundreds of sites. Although such demonstrations are trivial for QuantumSI, no other competing vendor at the CTIA show was able to provide interactive "hands-on" sessions for their offering that compete with QuantumSI's products.
The staff would formally like to thank all participants who stopped by Quantum's booth for both a successful and fun filled event. The CTIA 2003 show was an overwhelming marketing success for QuantumSI and we look forward to working with dozens of new clients!
Winner of the "World's Fastest PC" CTIA 2003 Giveaway
During the three days of show QuantumSI held a PC giveaway for a Athlon XP 3000+ (Barton) computer coupled with a Samsung 17" flat screen display ( details here and rules here ) The lucky winner, chosen for QuantumSI by Volt Temporary Services on 24.Mar.03, was Dennis Boulanger of Park Neltec.
About CROME, a performance management suite
The CROME software suite is a best in its class decision support system that allows both land-line and wireless service providers to quickly analyze capacity, trends and faults for any network. This commercial off the shelf (COTS) system allows wireless providers to proactively tune, adjust, reassign, or increase capacity to meet exacting quality of service levels at the lowest possible equipment expenditure rate.
CROME is a generic full ad-hoc reporting system which is implemented in the JAVA programming language, there is no need for end users to write code or develop additional modules to enhance or expand the system.
Statistical data flows are captured in real-time from a multitude of network elements and the data is immediately presented to end-users via a 100% pure Java(tm) reporting tool that runs on both standard PCs and Sun Workstations.
The use of integrated GIS features and multidimensional reporting along with built in high Erlang-B and Erlang-C functions has proven to be invaluable to Quantum's customers.
In addition since Quantum's CROME product is a national multi-vendor and multi-switch PM solution, thus with respect to the Motorola iDEN SR 10.0 (as with any revision for any vendor's switch) the CROME system transparently combines data from multiple switch types across multiple vendor revisions (i.e. input data) into a single unified regional or national report for any combination of switches and/or sub-elements across any time range or focus via lightning fast full on demand ad-hoc reporting.
About CDR, a billing collection manager
QuantumSI has slashed the cost of collecting, archiving, and disseminating customer billing data for telecommunications operators. Quantum is a proven leader in reliable data collection, distribution, and management systems. Customers trust Quantum software to collect, archive, and distribute their critical data, such as cellular billing records, in sites all around the world. Quantum's solutions are designed as mission-critical applications, working reliably without the need for administrative care, ensuring critical enterprise information is not lost.
Billing data is arguably one of the most important pieces of information for a telecommunications company. Yet many companies use inefficient or non-automated means to collect billing data. This can result in slow turnarounds to create bills, or potentially lost or duplicated data due to human error.
Quantum System's CDR Collection Manager (CCM) reliably and automatically collects CDR/AMA billing data from a variety of switch types, and manages the information for processing by a third party billing system.
CCM has been developed to work with many common switch types and protocol layers, and has been modularly designed such that support for other equipment can be "plugged-in" without code changes.
CCM's use of the XOT network protocol results in reduced hardware costs by allowing many X.25 applications to communicate over a standard ethernet WAN infrastructure.
The benefits of using CCM over conventional or home-spun methods:
- Centralization
- Support for Many Switch Types and Protocols
- Configuration and Monitoring with Java GUI
- Reduced Hardware Costs
- Multiple CDR Data Consumers
- Fault Tolerant, Mirrored Data
- Optional Integration with OSI NetExpert
- Optional RDBMS Analysis Module
- Reliability
- Proven System
About MCB, a a mediation and data distribution system
The MCB, or Multi-Cast Buffer is a mediation, archiving and data distribution system is composed of small lightweight ultra-reliable components that reliable buffer any and distribute any data source to multiple (1 to 256) consumers or processes. A data source can be a TCP/IP connection, a managed UNIX process, or a simply TTY port. Over 200 multiple instance installations world wide.
Management costs associated with legacy feeds and integrating new data feeds are slashed with QuantumSI's revolutionary simple Multi-Cast Buffer (MCB) system provides an elegant solution to sharing critical data feeds among mission critical processes that must access a single shared data source or feed.
This exciting technology enables applications to be deployed and that share the same data feed, more importantly does so while increasing reliability and both centralizing and minimizing management tasks across all enterprise applications.
The MCB is typically deployed in mission critical roles in either a Telecommunications or a Manufacturing environment where data loss can not be tolerated - yet there are multiple consumers (automated or manual) for the critical data stream.
The design philosophy of the MCB dictates that all critical data sources be loss free (with respect to a reasonable service window from 1-2 hours to 1-12 days) this period is dependent upon the amount of allocated disk space for a particular MCB and the needs of your organizations recovery and/or backup windows.
The second objective of the MCB requires that all non-critical processes or readers of any such critical data have built in mechanisms to startup, recover and synchronize from a robustly maintained check point when reading the data. Alternatively a reader can be set up specifically to recover in a known fashion Any downstream application which restarts can request a specific MCB to stream data in specialized recovery modes - for example send up to the last ten (10) minutes in 3X real-time and then transition into a real-time emission domain. If this is unfeasible Quantum provides a helper application which manages the check pointing for a "dumb" process.
The last objective implies that any data which is buffered at the critical source, or archived from the point
of initial buffering, never be subjected to a non-reversible transformation. This requirement is critical if a
flaw in a downstream processing rule is uncovered, perhaps in the event of an upstream system or software upgrade,
your organization now has a window of recovery that wasn't previously available.